The 5 most important information for the first vibrator purchase

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The 5 most important information for your first vibrator purchase

Are you about to buy your first vibrator ? When you make your first purchase, pay attention to the following 5 things and you will find the right toy with us.

What functions should vibrators fulfill?

It is important to consider what exactly the vibrator will be used for. Should it stimulate the clitoris or the G-spot, or maybe even both at the same time? Do you like variety or do you always prefer the same type of stimulation? Should it be able to be used in the bathtub or should it be handbag friendly? According to our experts, vibrators should have more functions than just "on" and "off". A vibration function with multiple intensity levels can be a luxury, but it is questionable whether you really need 100 vibration programs.

What material should a vibrator be made of?

The material of the vibrator is crucial for your well-being. Silicone is a skin-friendly material that warms up quickly and transmits vibrations well. It is also easy to clean since it is non-porous. If you want to try something new, the expert recommends toys made of metal or glass that you can cool in the refrigerator beforehand.